SRCUS News for Sunday, June 11

Today is the day our 3rd year students have been anxiously anticipating as they present the information they’ve spent the past year researching for their team whitepaper… that’s why you will notice that they’re all dressed up today, and why they’ll be celebrating this evening! Second year students will get the scoop on the whitepaper project that they will complete in the coming year, and first year students will get an introduction to their project – this is your opportunity to ask questions and make sure you understand what is expected of you so take lots of notes during these presentations and get more information on any areas that you don’t fully understand.

Second year students — wear your class -shirts Tuesday; we will take a group picture at 12:00 NOON in the Pecan Tree Galleria (lobby) right before lunch. Third year students — wear your class t-shirts Tuesday; we will take a group picture at 1:00 PM right before we leave for the service project.

Today’s schedule at a glance:

1st Year (Room K/L)

8 AM                     Negotiation (Dr. Charles Lankau)
12 PM                   Lunch – Magnolia Ballroom
1 PM                     Emotional Intelligence (Dr. Melenie Lankau)
5 PM                     Introduction to 2nd Year Project

2nd Year (Room Q)

8 AM                     Leveraging Your Strengths (Dr. Melenie Lankau)
12 PM                   Lunch – Magnolia Ballroom
1 PM                     Employment Law 1 (Dr. Charles Lankau)
5 PM                     Introduction to Whitepaper research project

3rd Year (Room R)
8:30 AM                White Paper Presentations
12 PM                   Lunch – Magnolia Ballroom
1 PM                     White Paper Presentations
4 PM                     CU Financial Simulation
5 PM                     Debate preparation

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