SRCUS News for Monday, June 12

First and second year students will participate in team-building experiences today at the UGA Challenge Course. Please wear comfortable athletic wear and tennis shoes. We will have bottles of water and granola bars on the bus for you but you are still encouraged to bring a water bottle. The weather will be in the 80’s and cloudy but we will be outdoors so make sure you wear sunscreen and/or a hat.

Today’s schedule at a glance:

1st Year (Room K/L)
8 AM                   CU Safeguards for Today’s Branches (Robert Jarosinski)
12 PM                 Lunch Buffet – Magnolia Ballroom
12:45 PM            Meet at circle driveway by hotel entrance
1 – 5 PM             Team Building Experience – Challenge Course

2nd Year (Room Q)
7:45 AM              Meet at circle driveway by hotel entrance
8 AM                   Team Building Experience – Challenge Course/High Ropes
11:45 AM            Return to Georgia Center
12 PM                 Lunch Buffet – Magnolia Ballroom
1 PM                   What Fraudsters Know That You Need to Know (Robert Jarosinski)
5 PM                   Debate preparation

3rd Year (Room R)
8 AM                   CU Financial Simulation
9 AM                   Employment Law 2 (Dr. Charles Lankau)
12 PM                 Lunch – Magnolia Ballroom
1 PM                   Business Development Strategy (Denise Wymore)
5 PM                   Debate preparation

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