SRCUS News for Wednesday, June 14

flag-1291945_640Today is flag day! (You can read more below on flag day and how it started.) It’s been a great week so far! We know you’re getting tired and your brain is getting full, but hang in there… we still have lots of great classes to go and there’s always more to learn! As Craig said in his presentation on Friday when you got here, make sure you’re getting enough sleep and getting outside for a little fresh air and exercise daily.

Final debate preparations are happening today and we’re all excited about the debate tomorrow night. We will be going “live” with the debate on Facebook, so feel free to invite your colleagues back home to tune in to tomorrow evening at 6 PM to watch! The debate topic for next year’s debate, which has been selected by our first year class

The handouts from Friday’s general session with Lee Wetherington are available here.

Today’s schedule at a glance:

1st Year (Room K/L)
8 – 12 PM            Ratios
12 – 1 PM            Lunch
1 – 3 PM              Ratios, contd.
3 – 6 PM              Business writing

2nd Year (Room Q)
8 – 12 PM            Presentation skills
12 – 1 PM            Lunch
1 – 5 PM              Presentation skills, contd.
5 – 6 PM              Debate prep

3rd Year (Room R)
8 – 9 AM              CU Financial Simulation
9 – 12 PM            Lending
12 – 1 PM            Lunch
1 – 5 PM              Lending, contd.
5 – 6 PM              Debate prep

Did you know… On June 14, 1877, the first Flag Day observance was held on the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes. As instructed by Congress, the U.S. flag was flown from all public buildings across the country. In the years after the first Flag Day, several states continued to observe the anniversary, and in 1949 Congress officially designated June 14 as Flag Day, a national day of observance.

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